Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

who am I???

I am a place. I stay in front of the Common Room. I have many lamps. I have also some sits on the left and the right side. Some students like me (the place) so much. Sometimes, they come to me to chat with their friends or just enjoy my atmosphere (the atmosphere of the place). You can me feel the fresh air if you sit on me because there are four small gardens around me. I related between the Common Room and the first hall near the entrance. I am separated by the Student Hall. So, who am I???Please, guess my name.....

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

ice cream

I have many favorite things but I just prefer one. This is ice cream. I think most of people like ice cream very much. Because of the taste is really good. If we look at the appearance of an ice cream, I'm sure that you will be captivated. Then you will try to taste it. After tasting, maybe you will say "I love it very much". Ice cream also can make us melt. Please think for a moment!! When we get a problem sometimes we felt our head frozen. If it happens to you, please remember one thing. That is ICE CREAM. In my mind, I will feel melt after I eat ice cream. Let me tell you something that I do not love all of the flavoure of ice cream. I just prefer to vanilla and strawberry ice cream. It's because I always get problem in my teeth after I eat chocolate. It makes me a little bit hate chocolate. So, if you wanna buy ice cream for me, please do not ever give me chocolate ice cream. What about you?? Do you like ice cream? If you like it please buy it and give me one. @(^_^@

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

That's all Me

Let me introduce my self. My name is Christina Mariana Ayogyani. Everyone calls me Christin. Sometimes people thought that I came from Yogya. They thought like that after they read my last name “Ayogyani”. Unfortunately,that is completely wrong. I came from Kediri. I was born on Kediri in 25 May 1991. My last name “Ayogyani” took from Javaness language. It means “someone who can makes something better”. That’s sound great,isn’t that? Now, I want to tell about my physical appearance. I’m shortish. I have long black hair and bright-skinned. Sometimes, I wear glasses. I wouldn’t say that I have good appearance but I just give thanks whatever I am, I always say “that’s all me”.

Actually, I’m the second child from two daughter. Unfortunately, my sister has gone. She died because of traffic accident in 1998. She was an 13 years old at the moment. She was beautiful. She was smart. Even, she was the most beautiful girl in my families. That was really hard for us when we lost her forever. Now, I have become the only daughter after the unforgettable tragediy I’m the only one who belongs to my parents. We have learned from the lesson that God permitted something happened in our life so it would be. I just give thanks for the chance to continue my study at Sanata Darma University so that I can get new “sisters” and “brothers” in here, especially in PBI. I really enjoy it.

I have a little story about the one daughter. I never thought before that I could be the one child like me. Many people looked me like a princess. I never felt the difficulties to get something. Some of them argued that I got everything that I wanted. Moreover, my parents also never permit me to ride motorcycle. My father always ready to accompany me whenever I go. Even, when I wanted to go with my friends, my father always stand by to accompany and pick me back. My father has a lot rules for me. He doesn’t mean to makes me sad. He just doesn’t want something bad happened to me. Some friends said that my father like a bodyguard. When I heard that, I really sad because many people can say everything about my parents and I. They never understand whatever I have done to face my new life after I lost my sister. My mother always understand me. She knows when I’m sad. She knows when I’m happy. She always gives me the best advice. Her words makes me well. I don’t care whatever people said about me. I just trust my self. I know who I am.

After I graduated from Senior High School, my parents asked me to makes my own decision. I decided to continue my study at Sanata Darma Yogyakarta. I thought that was the best chance to change my life. I just wanna rebuilt my life to get my independent life. Actually, I never far away from my parents but it was a must. I was sure I could handle everything of my life. My mother said that I was stubborn because of mu decision. She just apreciated it. My parents always support me to do the best thing. Now, I have one responbility to make my parents proud of me.

Thank you