Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

ice cream

I have many favorite things but I just prefer one. This is ice cream. I think most of people like ice cream very much. Because of the taste is really good. If we look at the appearance of an ice cream, I'm sure that you will be captivated. Then you will try to taste it. After tasting, maybe you will say "I love it very much". Ice cream also can make us melt. Please think for a moment!! When we get a problem sometimes we felt our head frozen. If it happens to you, please remember one thing. That is ICE CREAM. In my mind, I will feel melt after I eat ice cream. Let me tell you something that I do not love all of the flavoure of ice cream. I just prefer to vanilla and strawberry ice cream. It's because I always get problem in my teeth after I eat chocolate. It makes me a little bit hate chocolate. So, if you wanna buy ice cream for me, please do not ever give me chocolate ice cream. What about you?? Do you like ice cream? If you like it please buy it and give me one. @(^_^@

3 komentar:

  1. Hi Christin..

    You do like ice cream, don't you??

    Have you ever taste Cornetto dish??

    If not, just try it..

    Nice posting!

  2. Halo... Christin, the sentence, "Because of the taste is..." should be "Because the taste is..." hehehe...

  3. chistin . . . .

    nice posting. . . >,<
